Hamburger Kunsthalle
One of the largest digital collections
The Kunsthalle approached us with the challenge of developing a contemporary, responsive and individually adaptable website. The result was a clearly structured digital appearance that also offers many possibilities for expansion in the future.

Online Collection
The online collection is continuously being expanded, and presently includes around 300 masterpieces and all currently exhibited works from the fields of painting, sculpture, photography, and graphic art, as well as more than 40,000 drawings and prints from the Kupferstichkabinett (Museum of Prints and Drawings) and the library. Consequently, a dynamic and at the same time flexibly expandable website was a necessity.

Painting courses for children, guided tours in sign language, or four-course meals followed by a guided curator tour: our on-site research revealed that many visitors to Hamburg's Kunsthalle were not even fully informed about the program of events the Kunsthalle has to offer. Now, A completely revised calendar of events with numerous interfaces brings together the Kunsthalle's multifaceted offerings for the first time.