The Impossible Project
With great courage and perseverance, Impossible managed to stop the dismantling of the last Polaroid film factory and develop a new formula for the Polaroid. Even before the first new instant film rolled off the production line at the factory in Enschede, we began our years of strategic collaboration with the company that has since reclaimed the Polaroid brand name itself.
»Do not undertake a program unless the goal is manifestly important and its achievement nearly impossible.«
Edwin Land
The international success of the polaroid revival was not foreseeable at the beginning. The brand name Impossible also bears witness to this. However, the fact that a certain amount of stubbornness is part of every venture inspired us to create the mirrored »P« of the logo.
The corporate design for Impossible is characterized by enormous restraint in design. Similar to a Polaroid picture, we created a framework with the business stationery and various print products that live solely from the underlying content.