The Impossible Project

With great courage and perseverance, Impossible managed to stop the dismantling of the last Polaroid film factory and develop a new formula for the Polaroid. Even before the first new instant film rolled off the production line at the factory in Enschede, we began our years of strategic collaboration with the company that has since reclaimed the Polaroid brand name itself.

»Do not undertake a program unless the goal is manifestly important and its achievement nearly impossible.«

Edwin Land

The international success of the polaroid revival was not foreseeable at the beginning. The brand name Impossible also bears witness to this. However, the fact that a certain amount of stubbornness is part of every venture inspired us to create the mirrored »P« of the logo.

The corporate design for Impossible is characterized by enormous restraint in design. Similar to a Polaroid picture, we created a framework with the business stationery and various print products that live solely from the underlying content.

information. While the information field of the packaging remains constant, the remaining area offers enormous flexibility for special editions and collaborations. The diamond-shaped pattern of the packaging, finished with UV coating, subtly quotes the typical frame of Polaroids.

Impossible versteht sich nicht nur als Retter der Sofortbildfotografie, sondern möchte das Medium gleichermaßen weiterentwickeln und neu erfinden. Hierfür stellvertretend sind zahlreiche Publikationen, für die wir die Gestaltung übernahmen. So erzählt »We are Impossible« die bewegte Historie des Polaroids, während »101 Ways« experimentelle und teils selbst entwickelte Methoden im Umgang mit der Sofortbildfotografie vorstellt.


Impossible sees itself not only as the savior of instant photography, but also wants to further develop and reinvent the medium in equal measure. Numerous publications, for which we took over the design, are representative of this. For example, »We are Impossible« tells the eventful history of Polaroid, while »101 Ways« presents experimental and partly self-developed methods in dealing with instant photography.

When Impossible began developing its first proprietary camera, the stated goal was to create aWir begleiteten den gesamten Entwicklungsprozess von der Produktidee über das Kameradesign durch Achim Heine bis zur Kampagne für die offizielle Markteinführung und zeichneten für die Konzeption und Gestaltung sämtlicher Medien verantwortlich: Konzeptidee für Produktdesign, Crowdfunding-Kampagne und -Film, Produktverpackungen inklusive Bedienungsanleitung & Starterkit, zahlreiche Printkampagnen sowie iPhone-App-Design.n analog-digital hybrid - to accommodate the increasing convergence of these two worlds.

We accompanied the entire development process from the product idea to the camera design by Achim Heine to the campaign for the official market launch and were responsible for the conception and design of all media: concept idea for product design, crowdfunding campaign and film, product packaging including user manual & starter kit, numerous print campaigns as well as the iPhone app design.