Functional and moving
Heine/Lenz/Zizka has developed the strategic concept and guiding principle "shaping surfaces" for the new washbasin tops "Terra", "Aqua" and "Metallic": Conceived as an ode to the subtle nuances of nature, the form-giving surfaces combine style with substance, precision with poetry, and purity with personality.
"The whole is more than the sum of its parts." This is how Aristotle described the principle of synergy. The philosopher's famous sentence sums up a basic requirement of good product design: As in nature, it is also about the interplay of elements, properties and energies. About the interaction of materials. About the interplay of form, color and surface, of object and space.
shaping surfaces
Alapes glazes bundle energies and unite opposites to open up unimagined synergies between interiors and occupants.
Symbiotic contrasts
At its core, a steel body gives the product its shape.
Alape glazed steel is strong yet flexible, creating stability and at the same time space for thinking, developing and designing.